
Mike Huls

Full stack developer

🔗 mikehuls.medium.com
🌍 Netherlands
📧 mikehuls42@gmail.com

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Hi, I'm Mike!

I'm a full-stack developer from the Netherlands with a passion for programming and traveling.

I believe that the vast amount of data that's available nowadays is of invaluable importance to decision-making. These can concern a multi million investment, what shows you get recommended on Netflix or where to best buy those plane-tickets; data can improve decisions in virtually all facets of life.

Data without a goal, however, is like a jerrycan of gasoline. It can help you do many things but it's not of any use on its own. Like gasoline needs a car, data needs a goal to be used for; to explore, clearify and substantiate in order to improve your decision-making. It is my goal to create software that makes data actionable. It helps people to see, understand, use and improve their decision-making with data.

Interested in how I do this? Follow me on Medium, Twitter or LinkedIn:


Under construction: here I will display some projects that I'm proud of.